About the Search

Searchlight San Jose is a site dedicated to the most overlooked and under-appreciated big city in the nation.  It’s almost 20% larger than San Francisco; Apple, Google, and eBay were all born in its shadow, but if it wasn’t for the Sharks, no one would ever have heard of it (GO SHARKS)!  So, take a moment, and delve into the hidden history of this sleeping giant!

2 thoughts on “About the Search

  1. You have a great site. Both my husband and I grew up and met in suburbia San Jose. In 1987 we married, moved to Redwood City, and had a family. Now the boys are grown and we decided to downsize and move back the San Jose. Best decision of our lives. We live walking distance from SAP, downtown, Diridon, The Alameda, and so much more. Urban living in San Jose is fantastic.

    Do you have a Facebook page we can follow for updates to our reclaimed home?

    • Welcome back to the Fine City of San Jose! We have yet to set up a Facebook page, but if you’ve got Twitter, you can follow our updates there (@SearchlightSJ). Thanks for reading!

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